Thursday, January 17, 2013

Small Town Family Help

Did you know that there are over 2000 people living in tiny Delaware who are without adequate housing? And many of these are motivated, hard-working folk who simply need a break.

What can you do?

If you are reading this, I hope, when you are finished, that you will make a small donation to Family Help, Inc. (FHI). Perhaps you will consider giving a gift of money in another person's name—a superb way to give a gift that won't collect dust, but will put food on a table and provide shelter for a single mom with one or two children.

FHI is in its third year of service to the homeless of Middletown, Delaware. Many generous people contributed money to the project last year, and several school athletic programs raised money for Christmas presents this year.

The generosity of those of us who have more of life's advantages is supporting four families with children, who live in transitional housing units on West Lake Street in Middletown, Delaware. Each family receives food and clothing as well as counseling that will, with God’s help, lead each family to more a stable and independent future. Several families have already improved their credit rating, secured jobs, and have moved into their own apartments. New tenants have moved in and are beginning to turn their lives around.

The generosity of many individuals and groups has allowed FHI to meet an important need in our community, but, in order for us to continue this noble work, I am asking you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help FHI continue its mission. Your donation will be used to maintain four apartments, provide basic needs for four families, and continue programs to help them create a better financial foundation for themselves and their families.

In these challenging economic times, FHI needs your support. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of homeless families in Middletown.

Checks should be sent to Family Help Inc, P.O. Box 302, Middletown, DE 19709.

If you would like to get involved in other ways, tour the property, or ask questions about the program, please contact Board President Harvey Zendt at 302-528-5685.

Finally, please pass this plea on to others who are in a position to support FHI's effort to help those in need. Thank you for your support and prayers.

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